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Heng-Lay HK Machinery Equipment Company Limited
时间:2024/1/19 0:28:51   浏览量:351

Heng-Lay HK Machinery Equipment Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as Heng-Lay HK), a subsidiary of Shanxi Y&D Flying Trading Co., Ltd., has been established to provide seamless services and products to our valued customers worldwide. After years of experience providing qualitative products, services and technical support, we now focus on the most advanced and reliable supply chain management solutions to meet the expectations of our customers. Heng-Lay HK will serve its customers with a special focus on the following fields:

* Project work: Mechanical, Piping, Electrical & Instrumentation

* Fabricated and Machined parts as per the drawings & specifications

* High precision machined components and spares parts

* Supply of Machinery and Equipment

* MRO Spares

Heng-Lay HK products are successfully used worldwide and our first class products and highly qualified employees contribute decisively to the success of our customers. We will continue to set standards in innovation, quality, and efficiency of products.

Our goal is to provide complete solutions for our customers with our products and flexibility. Established in the year 2015, we have been serving our customers worldwide with dedication and care. Our visionary leadership is pioneer in the field of Engineering and Machined parts with more than 25 years of collaboration with several high-ranking industries. We take pride in our technical capabilities and have a proven track record of meeting customer expectations in terms of quality and timely delivery. Each product is designed and manufactured with care by our team of engineers to realize the objective of zero rejection, which sets us apart from others gaining the trust of our customers worldwide.

The company has established its credibility for supply of high precision equipment; composite work packages, assemblies & projects meeting global standards.

Email:export@heng-lay-hk.com   WEB:http://www.heng-lay-hk.com/

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